margot looked upon
a bastion for grimoires
cluttered up by cobwebs
and the bodies of houseflies,
cocooned and mummified.
the haunt was harrowing;
a singular dining table
sitting at the center of the room,
adorned in doilies and dishes galore,
the masses of black mold crowded against
blocks of french cheese,
plates of raspberry pie,
and a whopping rotisserie chicken.
a maggot wiggled out of a wine glass.
the centerpiece candelabra, whose flames
had just flickered out,
mulled and muted,
hollowed itself whilst weeping into smoke trails.
in each seat,
a guest, fastidious and unassuming,
a set of stoic skeletons,
shock written on their skulls,
fear awaiting flight,
but not being quick enough to make haste.
margot settled into her chair,
the wood knocking together
not unlike the bones in her skin sack.
across from her, a woman as young as the night befallen,
tucked into a corset dress,
her neck punctuated with a colon
and her pupils dilated.
margot slid a canvas sack across the table.
“this is everything I have,”
her words staccatoed by a phlegmy cough.
margot raised the sleeve of her blouse,
exposing her purpled skin and blood vessels for consumption,
preparing her confectionaries.
she was a bleating little lamb
with the universe in her eyes
and bags beneath them big enough to hold it.
her face wilted as she smiled,
the putrid stench of her dying flesh
percolating through the air.
“now, please.
devour me.”
Maya Cheav (she/her) is known to be “vaguely off-putting,” as described by her loved ones, and “well-liked” by mosquitoes. Her writing has been featured in Ouroboros Magazine, Free Flash Fiction, and Stone of Madness Press. Cheav’s debut poetry chapbook, Lykaia, was published with Bottlecap Press in February 2023. She spends her free time researching cannibals, trying to find a cure for lycanthropy, and talking to sidhe fae by the Lake of Avalon. If you ever come across her in public, you should ask for her impression of James Marsden in real life doing an impression of James Marsden in Jury Duty doing an impression of Caleb in Lone Pine. To read more of her work, feel free to visit or find her on Instagram at @sweetwaterfairy.